Here we have it - my religious blog. Well done me.
Took a while to choose a name for this blog believe it or not. At least it's clear what it's about. I was looking for a much more 'creative wow' kind of title, but all the ones I came up with were completely loaded with alternative meanings, which really wouldn't help the cause. Anyway, it's not about the title or the name is it? It's all about content. Which is certainly true when it comes to band names! Who would have thought that a band named after a plurality of insects would have changed the world?
Besides, after about 3 hours of working out which blogging platform to use (didn't like the idea of blogging software that sounded like I'd be ironing words or falling over, so went with one that sounded like it was for people who blog), Tim's Religious Blog was the best I could come up with!
Hope it works out.
I hope it works out too!